Monday, September 30, 2019

Determinants of Satisfaction on Smartphones Among Students (Malaysia)

A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS BY EMMANUEL PANPALAN RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED IN FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF DEGREE OF BA (HONS) ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE LEVEL 6/ YEAR 3 IN TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY & SEGI UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA 14 DECEMBER 2012 TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOOL A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES PROJECT REPORT CERTIFICATION 1. I confirm that the work in this Project Report is original and has been carried out by me as part of my programme of study. 2.I confirm that all secondary material has been properly acknowledged by me and referenced in this work. Signed:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Name: EMMANUEL A/L PANPALAN Date: 14th December 2012 Course: B. A. (HONS) IN ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE 2 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS ACKNOWLEGDEMENT Thank you is a very small word compare to the support that I get for completing this research paper. Firstly, I would like to thank Ms. Hung Mun Siew for un-dividing time, advices, comments and encouragements which really a booster to perform well. God bless her works.Secondly, I would like to convey my gratitude to my parents for being there and providing Love, resource, space, necessity and moral support at needed times. Thirdly, I would like to convey my gratitude to my friends who are there for me, who I can call at any time for their advice for fulfilling this paper. Fourthly, to all respondents for my survey, thank you for helping me through responding to the survey that been distributed. Lastly, to the Almighty God who had given me this opportunity to fulfill this task. -Merci Beacoup- 3 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTSABSTRACT Smart phones usage and sales have bomb overnight. Smart phones are expected to be as influential as it will be seen as necessity rather than luxury. There are few advantages of smart phones one of it is wireless internet, interactivity, mobility and flexibility, furthermore, facilitates the potential adoption of new mobile applications. Therefore, it is necessary to know the behavior of users and the possibility of user to satisfy with their smart phones. The purpose of this study is to find out what really drives satisfaction which is usefulness, understandability, ease of use and enjoyment of smart phones.This research has to be done to maintain and to hike up the usage and sales. This research could be helpful to industry and users of all smart phones technology based industries. In this research, 250 questionnaires will be passed to SEGI college student to answer and the result will be analyzed using SPSS software. 4 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS TITLE PAGE PAGE NUMBER 1 PROJECT REPORT CERTIFICATION 2 ACKNOWLEDGEME NT 3 ABSTRACT 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 LIST OF TABLES 8 LIST OF DIAGRAMS 9 CHAPTER1 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 1. 5 1. 6 1. 7 INTRODUCTION Background of Study Problem statement Motivation of Study Research Objectives Research Questions Hypotheses Significance of study 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 5 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 1. 8 1. 9 Structure of Dissertation Summary 14 15 CHAPTER 2 2. 0 2. 1 2. 2 2. 3 2. 4 2. 5 2. 6 2. 7 Literature Review Introduction Satisfaction Usefulness Understandability Enjoyment Ease of use Conceptual Framework Summary 16 16 16 17 19 21 23 25 25 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3. 0 3. 1 3. 2 3. 3 3. 4 3. 5 3. 6 3. 7 3. 8 3. 9 3. A Introduction Research Design Research Methodology Questionnaire Design Sample Sampling Frame Data collection Method Statistical technique Pilot test Limitation Summary 26 27 27 28 30 31 31 32 33 34 34 6 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS 4. 1 4. 2 4 . 3 4. 4 4. 5 4. 6 Introduction Rate of Response Demographic Details Factor Analysis Regression Summary 35 35 35 35 41 50 51 CHAPTER 5 5. 1 5. 2 5. 3 5. 4 5. 5 APPENDIX REFERENCES ETHICAL CONCLUSION Introduction Conclusion Recommendation Reflection Summary 52 52 52 52 53 54 55 65 69 7A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS LIST OF TABLES TABLE Table 3. 8. 1 Table 3. 8. 2 Table 4. 2. 1 Table 4. 2. 2 Table 4. 3. 1 Table 4. 3. 2 Table 4. 3. 3 Table 4. 3. 4 Table 4. 3. 5 Table 4. 4. 1 Table 4. 4. 2 Table 4. 4. 3 Table 4. 4. 4 Table 4. 5 DESCRIPTION Case Processing Summary Reliability Statistics Case Processing Summary Reliability Statistics Gender Education Field of study Brand Age analysis Correlation for Usefulness Correlation for Understandability Correlation for Enjoyment Correlation for Ease of Use Regression PAGE NUMBER 33 33 35 35 36 37 39 39 41 43 44 47 49 51 8A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS LIST OF DIAG RAMS DIAGRAM 4. 3. 1 4. 3. 2 4. 3. 4 4. 3. 5 DESCRIPTION Gender Education Field of Study Brand PAGE NUMBER 37 39 41 42 9 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the background of study, Problem statement, motivation of study, research objective, research question, hypotheses, significance of study, and structure of dissertation. 1. 1 – Background of study In this world where rapid is not a word and when technology is no longer a luxury but a necessity.It is really important for the manufacturer to come up with innovative idea to match new technological world. Smartphone is expected to be a conqueror in mobile phones world as the user of Smartphone application is growing day by day. The reason smart phone is so influential is because of its functions. As example, wireless internet connection, interactivity, mobility and flexibility, which also potential to new mobile application. Currently , the usage of cell phones has raised up rapidly and a drastic change over past decade. Smart phones currently are used to enhance social relationships.And they have change due to time and advancement of technology. A study shows that 43% of Australian and 17% of Malaysian are using smartphone and that number is increasing rapidly (Ellis 2011). Some of examples of smartphones are the iPhone by Apple Inc, Galaxy series by Samsung, blackberry, HTC and many more. Smart phones are designed in an utmost way where their functions and features would match the needs of their users in these case are students. Smartphones function as both mobile communication devices and computers, and allow people to use them to connect to the internet. It’s expected that internet-capable mobile devices will be the most common way for people to access the internet by 2013? (Ellis 2011) 10 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS According to an industry review by The I nsight Research Corporation (IRC) the Asia-Pacific region has had a compound annual growth rate of 17. 9 percent over the past decade, buoyed by China and India. There are over 800 million cell phone subscribers today in China alone. (Anusha Sethuraman, May 6, 2011). Moreover, dependence on social relationships, the technologies are improved to suit people’s desire and needs.These ever improving technologies tend to change the lifestyle and habits of their users who would demand for more improvements. The foregoing process would be cyclic and would not end unless other new technologies are developed and replace the original technologies. Thus, when publishing changes, society will also change. Global sales are ramping up too. By the second quarter of 2011 mobile phone sales to end users totaled 325. 6 million units, a 13. 8 percent increase from the same period in 2010, according to Garner, Inc. Of these sales, 19 percent were accounted for by smart phones.To catch up these f igures it is really vital to build satisfaction among users. (Mark Brownlow, April 2012) it is expected a certain matter would make user to continue support thus, sustain in the business. 11 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 1. 2 – Problem statement Although, the usage of smartphone is widely accepted in Malaysian lifestyle, there a still UN-satisfy people who still have a doubt in using a smartphone, and people who using one don’t realize all this expect in their life.This research believed to help to boost the usage of smartphones and company who manufacturing improve in times to come. 1. 3 – Motivation of study The purpose of this research is to investigate the key factors that determine the satisfaction of smart phone among students in Malaysia. In other word, determinants of students will be studied using four factors, Perceived usefulness, perceived understandability, perceived enjoyment, and perceived ease of use. S imply the Motivation of the study is to understand the need of users which determining their satisfaction. . 4 – Research objectives: (R01) : To identify the factors that drives satisfaction to use the Smartphone applications, (R02) : To identify whether understandability on smart phones will effect satisfaction (R03) : To identify whether easy of using the smart phones will effect satisfaction (R04) : To identify whether enjoyment of using Smart phones effect satisfaction 12 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 1. 5 – Research question: (RQ1) : Does the usefulness of smart phones will lead to satisfaction? RQ2) : Does understandability on smart phones will effect satisfaction? (RQ3) : Does handiness of using smart phones effect satisfaction? (RQ4) : Does enjoyment plays main a role in satisfaction in smart phones? 1. 6 – Hypothesis: H1a: usefulness has impact on satisfaction H1b: understandability has impact on satisfaction H1c: enjoyment has impact on satisfaction H1d: ease of using has impact on Satisfaction 1. 7 – Significance of study: To improve users and industry of smart phone, this research will open up bigger scope of knowledge regarding smart phones and their usage.It will be particularly be beneficial for future telecommunication companies and phone makes. They can work together to provide better service in rapidly changing world. 13 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 1. 8 – Structure of Dissertation There are five chapters discussed in this study. Chapter one is the introduction where the background of smartphones is explained briefly, followed by the problem statement of the dissertation, the research aim and objectives, the scope of this study, and also the contribution of this study.In chapter two of this study, secondary sources are used to collect the information on determinants which make students satisfy with their smartphones. The critical points of this study are reviewed using the findings in the journal articles theoretically. This chapter is meant to update the user of this study with the related literatures of this research and also as a guide for future studies. Chapter three of this research is the research methodology. In this chapter, the research design and methodology are discussed. Also the purpose and design of the survey instrument which is the questionnaires has been explained.The conceptual framework, pilot testing, data collection method, sample used for this study, data analysis, and also the limitation of research methodology has been explained. Next in chapter four the data analysis results are discussed. The data gained from the survey are analyzed using the SPSS software. The findings on the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable were tested along with the hypotheses. Finally chapter five of this study is focused on the conclusion and recommendations o f this study.Relevant tables and diagram has also been included in this research for easier understanding of the user of this study. 14 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 1. 9 – Summary In conclusion, as above the background, Problem statement, motivation, objectives, questions, hypotheses and significance has been identified for the research. 15 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 0 – Introduction This chapter discusses literature review, summary and conceptual framework.That related to research. 2. 1 – Satisfaction In 1965’s Rolling stones famed with a song called Satisfaction, which goes I can't get no satisfaction, I can't get no satisfaction, ‘Cause I try and I try and I try and I try I can't get no, I can't get no. that portrays perfectly and speaks about human nature. Although it just a song lyric, it raise a question what exactly is s atisfaction they also speaks of difficulties an individual might face from trying try to get satisfaction from consumption, usage, institution, government and relationship. (Richard, 2010) According to oxford ictionaries defined satisfaction as fulfillment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from it. Satisfaction is derived from Latin Satis, where it means (enough) and Facere means (to do or make). It can be taken as a product or service where one makes a point to say enough I am fulfilled. Customer satisfaction can be precisely defined as psychological state which happen when emotion of surrounding disconfirmed expectation is combined with the consumer’s feelings about the experience before and present. (Richard, 1981) 16 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTSThe user satisfaction which is student in this case is really important because it relate to other important variables. This often proved as a succe ss on how a determinant relate with the satisfactions. This will unconsciously lead to success, sustainability, intention to buy more, and customer loyalty. It is important factor to remember also that a consumer who satisfied will have a continuous expectation and to meet it up is a challenge for any business. (Liao c, 2009) and satisfaction is really vital for students as their heart can change so fast according to circumstances. 2. – Usefulness In this rapid changing world, it is hard to sustain the interest of students for one certain thing. For example: if smartphones are not as needed by student they might switch to notepad and so on. So it is really important for any smart phone producer to pack their stuff which can still keep the flame. Usefulness is rooted back from the word useful which means capable of doing or achieving something positive that brings advantage (Macmillan Dictionary, 2011). It goes same to the smart phones usefulness if the usefulness is significa nt there is chance it can create satisfaction if a particular task could be done. Hsi-Peng Lu, Philip Yu-Jen Su, 2009) A user will believe that a system has a positive use-performance relationship if the system has high perceived usefulness (Davis, 1989). 17 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS Other than that, a smart phones study that is based on 7,275 smart phone customer experiences, found that smart phone users who access social media sites like Facebook and Twitter through their mobile device report a 783 satisfaction rating. This is about 22 points higher than those who do not access social networks on their smart phones.This shows the usefulness do impact the satisfaction (Daily tech. com, 2012). In other research by Hsi-Peng Lu, and Philip Yu-Jen Su, 2009 stated that value has significant value is on customer satisfaction. It also state that value is at heart of what consumers needs from business. (Babin et al. , 1994) In other research it been said as new world emerging there will be a difference in education design too. Learning design is perceived as a lifelong journey of learning and continues education. This is not simple, as learning environment also has to take into account.It is difficult matter where learner and technologies come together, in both party must come together and adapt their framework. Nevertheless organizations and students should know mobile learning is really essential and it is one form of satisfaction where everything can be done anywhere. (Ana Dias, 2012) Lastly, it’s great to see how many uses a smartphones can provide a student, Mobile map, satellite view, Wikipedia items, cultural events, photos sharing, parking places, movies, restaurants, social media, It can also be said world is in a palm.All this necessity that smartphone met create satisfaction not only with students but even working adults. (Martijn Pannevis, 2007) 18 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTP HONES AMONG STUDENTS 2. 3 – Understandability Understandability is an act where user knows how to use particular applications and knows the elements of smart phones. In a July 2011 Modapt Inc Morrissey & Company conducted an online survey focused on the mobile Web experience. People like using their smart phones to obtain information, but are often frustrated by trying to navigate clumsy user interfaces and download data.And the result shows in that understandability do plays vital role in satisfaction. (Seybold report, 2011) And another Malaysian report stated that understandability do make a differences in creating satisfaction. It stated that men are more indulge in gaming and accessories which can be really fast frustrated if they can’t understand the system works which cause less satisfaction. (Mohd Azam Osman, 2011) In another study behavior of certain user is taken into account. The main one is Anxiety it is refer as negative emotions in cognitive states. These emotions evoke actual or imaginary interactions with mobile using.Igbaria,Iivari (1995, p. 593) goes on to say, person who experience high level anxiety are more fond to behave rigidly then person who have low. In short, people are expected to be relax and avoid any kind feelings that invoke anxious (Compeau and Higgins, 1995), especially when they operating smartphones. On the other hand person who understand and comfortable are more likely to feel satisfy. As an example, when the customers are in payment processes, they worry about pressing the wrong buttons on the so much app and buttons, thus losing money. In other word negative emotions may come from imagination or physical experiences.Number of previous studies found that 19 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS anxiety had a significantly negative influence on information system adoption (Compeau et al. , 1999; McFarland and Hamilton, 2006). In another study handling and understanding smart phone refers to individual assessment of their ability to perform a specific task while using their smart phone. Several studies have found that emotions can constraint people from performing skillfully. In other words people who feel anxiety gives a negative effect on one are perceived understandability thus, creating dissatisfaction (Compeau et al. 1999; Fagan et al. , 2003). Several researchers examined that the greater the user understand and capability belief will lead to the greater the user’s intrinsic motivation (Compeau and Higgins, 1995; Deng et al. , 2004). In addition, a person can also have believes, that an action surely has a reaction, but if a person has entertain serious doubts about whether they can perform the necessary activities. Information about outcomes does not influence of their behavior, it is also necessary to understand the impact of one’s perceived level of skillfulness, under stability on the expectations of the smart phones (1977, p. 93 ) 20 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 2. 4 – Enjoyment In this current age Smartphones are playing a vital role in society. Application as touch and voice activated or, multiple apps have been developed for various purposes, catering work and enjoyment. Apps allow a person to shop, read, play games, listen music, send and share information, photos and stay virtually connected with all of our family and friends.The available apps that been cater for use is extends beyond of the limits of our imagination, which most also use smartphones as mindless distraction to idle time away. (Lynn, 2012) The effect of enjoyment/ fun could not be overruled in smart phone using especially for students. Different concepts have been used to explain the importance of student emotions in adoption of smart phones Fun (Pagani, 2004) Enjoyment (Curran and Meuter, 2007), and Perceived Enjoyment (Nysveen, 2005), According to Kim (2008) enjoyment is a very impor tant predictor of the adoption of smartphone.This opinion agreed by (Fang et al, 2005) who found the perceived fun influences student and customers’ attitude but only for gaming tasks. Meanwhile, the effect of fun was found not to be so important for general and important business task. (Bruner, 2005) continue to say that fun is positively influenced by ease of use and that has been even more important effect on the attitude toward the act that usefulness. This opinion have been supported by (Curran, 2007) who says enjoyment is more important than utility. 21 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTSIn other research, when it comes to banking context (Hong et al, 2008) experimented smartphones usage and came to conclusion that enjoyment plays a big part in attitude towards the context using of smart phones information services and entertainment services. In addition, (Dabholkar, 2002) continue to say enjoyment can be said that fun can be foreru nner to attitude. In same meaning (Verkasalo, 2008) says that enjoyment has a clear positive effect on attitude towards usage of smartphones, as tested ranging from e-mailing to instant messaging.Besides that, (Nysveen et al, 2005) portrayed that enjoyment is a vital determinant which can create satisfaction of users especially students in using smart phones. The report goes on to say that enjoyment is really strong determinant of intentions to use for female than males (Pagani, 2004) In addition, (Pagani, 2004) create a model where enjoyment is a really an important factor towards satisfaction in using smart phones. Moreover, for students it is really vital to have enjoyment in life. 22 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 2. Ease of use In this current world, time become so limited where people using time as good as possible, due to that, students have very high urge for convenience where they are able to use their smartphones any time, any pla ce (Genova, 2010). Since there are great revival in mobile revolution, the smart phones is now portable, it is tied to individuals not one place (Holub et al, 2010). In (Lu, 2009) report says that consumers can perform smartphones transaction in very bizarre circumstances which have severe time constraints, such as, waiting for friend or waiting for traffic unlike eskstop and laptop place in home or one certain place. This indirectly makes users to become highly dependent on smartphones to get information’s, by browsing and clicking to access their smartphones wherever they are such as, relax at home, travel overseas and so on (Genova, 2010). According to (Stephen, 2009) normal mobile phone and laptops is included for consumer’s convenience and the functions increase the rate and satisfaction of the users especially students (Hahn, 2010). In other view, Social is very important factor in life, what is the use one has everything but don’t have a relationship.Acco rding to (Tikkanen, 2009) research Social needs interactions between individual, friends, family, group members as clubs, churches and so on. This needs certainly increases dependency on students and users on smartphones unconsciously gives satisfaction for users. It also allows user to be more versatile and increased usage for communication and maintaining relationships between and among individuals (Lippincott, 2010). 23 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTSAccording to (Wei, 2006) research, it been said that user who are using smartphones are high involved in social needs and people who are needed social dependence easily discovered. Since, interaction or social networking has been included in smartphones it brings a lot of changes in social hike up (Morgan, 2010). The norm of keeping in touch with existing group of friends and contact especially students, create a chance for them to meet offline and encourages more engagement with peers and co me up with beneficial idea of organizing charity and so on.Social network such twitter and Facebook pave ways for students to engage in activity as such (Raskin, 2006). Smart phones encourage users especially students to satisfy their needs, and they are able to connect with peers through social networking sites any time anywhere, which create satisfaction for students (Bridges et al, 2010). It can be said that smartphones are really vital and important mediator between satisfaction and ease of use everywhere and anytime (Wei, 2006). 24 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS . 6 – Conceptual Frameworks Usefulness Understandability Students’ Satisfaction Enjoyment Ease of Use 2. 7 – Summary This chapter comprises of usefulness, understandability, enjoyment and ease of use of smart phones towards satisfaction and it believed and proved the independent variable and dependent variable goes in hand in hand. It also contains conceptu al framework to support. And literature reviews do support positively towards the research proposed. 25 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTSCHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3. 0 – Introduction Research methodology can be said as searching for knowledge and it is narrowed down to a certain topic, subject and title using a scientific and systematic manner. it is a way to solve problem systematically (Dr. Kothari, 2008). The main purpose why the research has been done is to determine whether the factors are affecting the satisfaction of smartphones among students. In order to test the hypothesis mentioned in chapter 2: literature review, a set of self-administered questions were developed.The main objective of this research is to study the students’ perception towards smartphones satisfaction, the targeted population would be mainly those students in SEGI University who using smartphones. This chapter discusses the samples, sampling frame, data collection methods and statistical techniques 26 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 3. 1 – Research Design Research design is basically about how this research have been done, its plan or structure which involves identifying the problem, then gather data’s and lastly analyze and gain results there are lot of type of design to the research.Researcher have chosen the cross sectional design which involves to collect a collection of data on more than one case at one particular time frame. This is to collect a group of quantitative or quantifiable data related with variables. Where, researcher uses to analyze, understand the relationships and pattern. 250 questionnaire forms were collected from respondents via convenience method and snowball method. This study is only utilized quantitative research design. Researcher will analyze the score and result to know whether the variables do match the satisfaction for smart phones users. . 2 â €“ Research Methodology Research methodology is basically about the method researcher used, either qualitative or quantitative. In this research quantitative been used, Quantitative method is a about group of data been collected using inferential approach which means the survey is based research where certain amount of sample of population is used to conduct the survey. This research uses questionnaires and the usually the information gained will be similar as it is been standardized.This is because every respondent who participate in this research are required to answer the same exact question. The survey data was collected using online survey tool which is ‘Google document, and also through paper handouts. 27 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 3. 3 – Questionnaire design The survey instrument used in this research is questionnaires where about two hundred (sets of questionnaire have been distributed to students in SEGI Univer sity and all the people in my Facebook friend list all over Klang Valley to get their responds accordingly.The questionnaires are to analyze and research few main factors which can effect satisfaction of smartphones among students: 1) Usefulness 2) Understandability 3) Enjoyment 4) Ease of use 5) Satisfaction In this questionnaire there are two section named as 1 and 2. The 1 section is mainly about demographic details which are designed to collect information on demographic details. (I. e. Gender, Age, highest qualification, smart phones brand). On the other hand, the second section is factor analysis. In this section there are 5 divisions which consist of usefulness, understandability, enjoyment, ease of use and satisfaction.The first division is usefulness. This division is created to measure the This usefulness of smartphones towards satisfaction as per respondents view. division has four statements that address this. Respondents were asked to rate the 28 A STUDY ON THE DETERMIN ANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS agreement on a five point scale ranging from strongly agree (1) to strongly disagree (5) The second division is Understandability. This division is created to measure the understandability towards satisfaction.This division has four statements that address this. Respondents were asked to rate the agreement on a five point scale ranging from strongly agree (1) to strongly disagree (5) The third division is enjoyment. This division is created to measure the enjoyment towards satisfaction. This division has four statements that address this. Respondents were asked to rate the agreement on a five point scale ranging from strongly agree (1) to strongly disagree (5) The fourth division is Ease of Use. This division is created to measure the ease of use towards satisfaction.This division has four statements that address this. Respondents were asked to rate the agreement on a five point scale ranging from strongly agree (1) to strongly disa gree (5) The fifth division is satisfaction. This division is created to measure the overall satisfaction on smart phones from the respondents. This division has three statements and one statement will be chosen. 29 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 3. 4 -Samples The method that been performed is quantitative research method. As in this case survey.Cross sectional survey is done to gather information about usefulness, ease of use, enjoyment and understandability towards satisfaction among smart phones user. Below are criteria of potential sample. 1) Inclusion criteria a) Students aged between 19 and 25 years old in SEGI College in Malaysia were included. b) Students who are able to read and write in English language. c) Students with smart phones 2) Exclusion criteria a) Only students are allowed to participate in this research. b) Students who are unable to read and write in English language. c) Students who don’t own Smart phones. 0 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 3. 5 – Sampling frame A total of two hundred fifty (250) questionnaires been distributed to the students within SEGI College as for data collection; in order to measure the respondents in different aspects to reach my research objective. The sampling method that is used is non-probability method. On-probability sampling can be narrowed down to two methods which are: convenience, snowball sampling (Babbie, 2010). As for this study, convenience sampling is used as it is easy to perform. 3. – Data collection methods Primary data type is used where questionnaires survey is done for data collection. Once all data is gathered, it been analyzed according to the objective of this research. Other than that, operationalization can be used as way to measure too as it defined where the variable is measured by explaining the process of defining each variable, as guidance in order to make consistent measurement s. (Le Roy, 2008). This research sampling was conducted in SEGI University for Data collection, due to time, distance and communication barriers, it was not practical to conduct the survey in large scale.A total of two-hundred and fifty (250) sets of questionnaires were distributed through online and also handouts, however only about two-hundred (200) responses were received. 31 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 3. 7 – Statistical techniques Questionnaires which have been collected after answered had been analyzed using SPSS analysis. This software is computer based software which is designed specifically for statistical analysis. In this software there are two models which are linear and no linear where linear model can make accurate analysis and reliable conclusion.Meanwhile, non- linear model is to improve the accuracy of prediction made. This SPSS software can run two tests first multiple regressions and simple regression compare me ans and reliability of the research. As for this study, IBM SPSS Statistic version 20. 0 is used to code and analyze the collected data. Respondents were questioned on the factors that determine their satisfaction on smart phones. A descriptive statistics that includes simple frequencies means and also percentages were computed using the demographic details from the respondents (i. e. gender, age and qualification), system.Moreover to test the hypothesis for each factor, statistical method such as Correlation was used. 32 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 3. 8 – Pilot Test Pilot test is considered as an experiment in small scale to check the questionnaire reliability and validity for bigger scale. This test usually will be performed to identify the problem with materials and methods, so it can be corrected before proceeding. Pilot test is an important test to feasibility and usefulness of the research method used to collect information. As for this Research, (20) sets of questionnaire been distributed to check the reliability and validity of prepared question. The data have been collected and analyses using reliability test to indicate the reliability and validity of the question and below are the result for section 2: part 1 – part 5 Pilot test / Reliability Table 3. 8. 1 – Case Processing Summary N Valid Cases Excluded a Total 20 0 20 % 100. 0 . 0 100. 0 a. List wise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Table 3. 8. 2 – Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha . 976 N of Items 17 33 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTSThe table above 3. 8. 1 till 3. 8. 2 shows that there are really good internal consistency. The rate of 0. 976 in table 3. 8. 2 proved that this questionnaire is reliable enough to use these items to conduct the survey. 3. 9 – Limitation There are a lot of limitations, in this research one of it is the title is too narrow, i t is only for students. Since the respondents are full of students it makes enjoyment and entertainment looked as much more important than any other variables. It’s believed those different age groups have a different kind of importance and likeness.Time constraint, as this is the final semester and there a four other exam and assignment besides this research makes it harder. Besides that, there are limitations in respondents answer as well; this is because respondents might not answer the question honestly as they might have this attitude of reluctance to reveal certain information that might be personal. Respondents are more likely to manipulate their answers to look smart, just be nice by providing a positive answer or afraid being judge by researcher for their answer. This is certainly will be not reliable for the research.Besides that, people who don’t use smartphones also became a limitation as it’s hard to classify them. Other than that, respondents might not have the time for answering the questionnaire as they are rushing for their own agenda. 3. 9 A Summary In nutshell, this chapter comprises of Introduction, samples, sampling frame, data collection and statistical analysis. This has to be done to perform the research. 34 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS 4. 1 – Introduction This chapter is about analyzing, rate of response, reliability, demographic details and Factor analysis. . 2 – Rate of Response Off the 250 questionnaires that were distributed, 50 of the surveys were deemed invalid due to incomplete questionnaire. By the end of the study, 200 questionnaires were completed and used for analysis purposes, for a response rate of 80% Table 4. 2. 1 Reliability for 200 sets Case Processing Summary N Valid Cases Excluded a Total 200 0 200 % 100. 0 . 0 100. 0 a. List wise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Tabel 4. 2. 2 Reliability Statisti cs Cronbach's Alpha . 976 N of Items 17 35 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS . 3 – Demographic details Table 4. 3. 1 Gender: Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Male 80 40. 0 60. 0 100. 0 40. 0 60. 0 100. 0 40. 0 100. 0 Valid Female 120 Total 200 Diagram 4. 3. 1 Gender 36 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS The percentage rate of male students’ respondents and female students’ respondents are 40% (80) participants and 60% (120) respectively. This shows that there are more female respondents for this study compare to male respondents, which can also indicate that there are more female smart phone user than male users.Table 4. 3. 2. Education: Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent SPM STPM 30 10 15. 0 5. 0 5. 0 25. 0 50. 0 100. 0 15. 0 5. 0 5. 0 25. 0 50. 0 100. 0 15. 0 20. 0 25. 0 50. 0 100. 0 A- Level 10 Valid Diploma 50 Degree Total 100 200 37 A STUDY ON TH E DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS Diagram 4. 3. 2 Education In education you can see As for the highest qualification, the students with a Bachelor Degree shows the highest rate of 50 % which can mean that they will affect the largest part of the research compare to the other students.Those with a secondary level education show a rate of only 20%, whereas those with certificate / A-Levels / Foundation or equivalent and Diploma / Equivalent show a rate of 5% and 25% respectively. This also can mean that students with higher qualification are more aware and satisfy with the smartphones they have. 38 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS Table 4. 3. 3 Field of study Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Business 60 30. 0 70. 0 100. 0 30. 0 70. 0 100. 0 30. 0 100. 0 Valid Non-Business 140 Total 200 39 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTSDiagram 4. 3. 4 Meanwhile, Field of stu dy separated between business and Non business it shows 70% of participants are 70% and 30% were Business students. Table 4. 3. 4 Brand Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 15. 0 20. 0 30. 0 65. 0 80. 0 100. 0 Iphone Blackberry HTC Valid Samsung Nokia Sony Erricson Total 30 10 20 70 30 40 200 15. 0 5. 0 10. 0 35. 0 15. 0 20. 0 100. 0 15. 0 5. 0 10. 0 35. 0 15. 0 20. 0 100. 0 40 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS Diagram 4. 3. 5 Brand As for brand, a total of seven types of phone brands were given.The first highest is Samsung with 35% second will be Sony Erricson with 20%. The third will be I phone and Nokia which share 15% respectively fourth HTC with 10% and lastly blackberry with 5%. 41 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 4. 3. 5 Age analysis Descriptive Statistics N Age Range Minimum Maximum Mean 18. 00 30. 00 Std. Deviation 200 12. 00 22. 1000 2. 70678 Valid N (listwise) 200 As for age, th e minimum is 18 and maximum will be 30 and all of them are students. 4. 4 – Factor analysis Abbreviation used: Usefulness = U, Understandability = UD, Enjoyment = E, Ease of use = EU, Satisfaction = S 4. . 1 Findings and analysis of the relationship between perceived usefulness and satisfaction of smart phones among students. In this section of study, the relationship between the perceived usefulness and satisfaction of smart phones among students is determined to confirm the following hypotheses: H1: There is no significant relationship between perceived usefulness and satisfaction H2: There is a significant relationship between perceived usefulness and satisfaction In order to analyze the relationship between usefulness and satisfaction of smartphones among students, the correlations test was carried out. 2 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS Correlations Average_U Pearson 1 Correlation Average_U Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson . 462** Correl ation Average_Satisfaction Sig. (2-tailed) . 000 N 200 200 1 200 . 000 200 . 462** Average_Satisfaction **. Correlation is significant at the 0. 01 level (2-tailed). Table 4. 4. 1: Correlation test on the relationship between the perceived usefulness and satisfaction of smart phones among students. The correlation test was used to determine the significance of hypotheses.The results are presented as above. The p-values of 0. 000 and 0. 000 shows that usefulness and satisfaction on smart phones among students are related, the test shows a relationship between usefulness and satisfaction on smart phones among students. Therefore hypothesis H1 is rejected since hypothesis H2 is proved to be accepted as there is a significant relationship between usefulness and satisfaction on Smartphones among students. 43 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 4. 4. Findings and analysis of the relationship between understandability and satisfaction of smart phones a mong students In this section of study, the relationship between the understandability and satisfaction of smart phones among students is determined to confirm the following hypotheses: H1: There is no significant relationship between understandability and satisfaction H2: There is a significant relationship between understandability and satisfaction In order to analyze the relationship between understandability and satisfaction of smartphones among students, the correlations test was carried out Correlations Average_Satisfaction Pearson 1 Correlation Average_Satisfaction Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson . 718** Correlation Average_UD Sig. (2-tailed) N . 000 200 200 1 200 . 000 200 Average_UD . 718** **. Correlation is significant at the 0. 01 level (2-tailed). Table 4. 4. : Correlation test on the relationship between the understandability and satisfaction of smart phones among students. 44 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS The correlation test was used to determine the significance of hypotheses. The results are presented as above. The p-values of 0. 000 and 0. 000 shows that understandability and satisfaction on smart phones among students are related, the test shows a relationship between understandability and satisfaction on smart phones among students. Therefore hypothesis H1 is rejected since hypothesis H2 is proved to be accepted as there is a significant relationship between understandability and satisfaction on Smartphones among students. 4. 4. Findings and analysis of the relationship between enjoyment and satisfaction of smart phones among students In this section of study, the relationship between the enjoyment and satisfaction of smart phones among students is determined to confirm the following hypotheses: H1: There is no significant relationship between enjoyment and satisfaction H2: There is a significant relationship between enjoyment and satisfaction In order to analyze the relationship between enjoyment and satisfaction of smartphones among students, the correlations test was carried out 45 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS Correlations Average_Satisfaction Pearson 1 Correlation Average_Satisfaction Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson . 756** Correlation Average_E Sig. (2-tailed) N . 000 200 200 1 200 . 000 200 . 756** Average_E **. Correlation is significant at the 0. 01 level (2-tailed). Table 4. 4. 3: Correlation test on the relationship between the enjoyment and satisfaction of smart phones among students.The correlation test was used to determine the significance of hypotheses. The results are presented as above. The p-values of 0. 000 and 0. 000 shows that enjoyment and satisfaction on smart phones among students are related, the test shows a relationship between enjoyment and satisfaction on smart phones among students. Therefore hypothesis H1 is rejected since hypothesis H2 is proved to be accepted as there is a significant relationship between enj oyment and satisfaction on Smartphones among students. 46 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 4. 4. 4 Findings and analysis of the relationship between ease of use and satisfaction of smart phones among studentsIn this section of study, the relationship between the ease of use and satisfaction of smart phones among students is determined to confirm the following hypotheses: H1: There is no significant relationship between ease of use and satisfaction H2: There is a significant relationship between ease of use and satisfaction In order to analyze the relationship between ease of use and satisfaction of smartphones among students, the correlations test was carried out 47 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS Correlations Average Satisfaction Pearson 1 Correlation Average_Satisfaction Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson . 865** Correlation Average_EU Sig. (2-tailed) N . 000 200 200 1 200 . 000 200 . 865** Average_EU **. Co rrelation is significant at the 0. 1 level (2-tailed). Table 4. 4. 4: Correlation test on the relationship between the understandability and satisfaction of smart phones among students. The correlation test was used to determine the significance of hypotheses. The results are presented as above. The p-values of 0. 000 and 0. 000 shows that ease of use and satisfaction on smart phones among students are related, the test shows a relationship between ease of use and satisfaction on smart phones among students. Therefore hypothesis H1 is rejected since hypothesis H2 is proved to be accepted as there is a significant relationship between ease of use and satisfaction on Smartphones among students. 48A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 4. 5 Regression: To find out the strongest and most influenced determinant to attain satisfaction, a regression test is used. This linear regression in the table below shows that, ease of use have a high R value compare to other variable which is 0. 865. It also means that ease of use plays a vital role in satisfaction among students. 49 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS Correlations Average Averag _Satisfac e_U tion Average_Satisfaction Pearso Average_U n Average_UD Correlat Average_E ion Average_EU Average_Satisfaction Average_U Sig. 1Average_UD tailed) Average_E Average_EU Average_Satisfaction Average_U N Average_UD Average_E Average_EU . 000 . 000 200 200 200 200 200 . 000 . 000 200 200 200 200 200 . 000 . 000 200 200 200 200 200 . .000 200 200 200 200 200 . 000 . 200 200 200 200 200 . 000 . 000 . .000 . 000 . 865 . .000 . 769 . 000 . .910 . 000 . 000 . 908 . 000 . 000 1. 000 . 000 . 000 . 756 . 840 . 938 1. 000 . 908 . 718 . 853 1. 000 . 938 . 910 . 462 1. 000 . 853 . 840 . 769 1. 000 . 462 . 718 . 756 . 865 Average _UD Averag e_E Average _EU Table 4. 5 50 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 4. 6 Summary These chapt ers consisted of rate of response, reliability test, test on demographic and factor analysis. 51A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS CHAPTER 5 – CONCLUSION 5. 1 – Introduction This chapter includes Conclusion, recommendation and Reflection. 5. 2 – Conclusion The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of satisfaction on smart phones among students. There are four factors used in this study to find out whether it can obtain satisfaction towards the students. This research were extracted from various existing articles which are perceived usefulness of smartphones, perceived enjoyment that smartphones provide, perceived understandability, perceived ease of use towards satisfaction of smartphones among students.Based on the survey done on the four determinants towards satisfaction, the result shows a significant relationship between all of them, which conclude that, this, four determinant is important for satisfa ction on smartphones among students. 5. 3 – Recommendation In this research, targeted samples were taken randomly from people who research see, and know. Therefore in future researcher may expand their research throughout Malaysia bigger sample size from all kind of class as from students to working adults should be taken for much bigger picture Secondly, this research is focused on determinant of satisfaction among students so in future researcher can study in detailed the other factors which can help to raise satisfaction.Lastly, a detailed research on the comparison between the users and non-users of smart phones can be done to determine the image and expectancy of users. 52 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 5. 4 – Reflection Reflection basically means the act of reflecting or the state of being reflected, it can be also telling out what a researcher have gone through for months he takes up this research. Researchers have take n up the title Determinant of satisfaction of smart phones among students. This is because researcher had a deep interest in smart phones and always had a curiosity how to get to know and expand the knowledge in this section.This research personally have enlighten researcher in and out of smartphones through the reading of articles, it also have enlighten researcher with social perception and motive of users. The process of undertaking the project dint deviates in any way compare to proposal. Researchers have planned earlier for proposal itself and it just needed to expand it. Supervisor was really helpful in a way to gives more ideas to expand the literature reviews and matter which comes with it. The only thing that deviates from proposal is more word counts and vast information on smartphones. Researchers have included more information’s on satisfaction and its relevance to users, business and corporate who might use it. Research project have a certain process and flow pro cess as follows.Firstly, Identification of research problem is to determine the determinants to attain satisfaction in this process researcher learned that it is important to identify the problem in a situation. Secondly, problem and statement objective, in this process researcher learn to state the problem and objective of certain problem not only think about it. Thirdly, research question, in this process learn to ask a proper and relevant question for the problem to get a conclusion. Fourthly, literature review in this process researcher learn to use previous or past examples that related to the problem as reference and move in to the goal. Fifthly, quantitative research 53 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS ethods, in this process researcher have learned to find a proper channel to calculate and analyze the problems. Sixthly, survey instruments, in this process researcher have learn to communicate to users or people who related to study wit hout being ask a lot of wrong questions. A proper questionnaire is a good answer. Seventhly, pilot test, in this process researcher have learn that even been assumed a proper question have been readied mistakes are there, correction is needed for perfection. Next, data collection, in this process researcher have learn that there a lot of way to communicate with person and media and surveys are one and relevant. Lastly, data analysis, in this researcher learned that there are always results for good or bad.And in this research it is good. There are a lot of limitations in this research, one of the main one is limitation on topic to student, the reason why researcher find this can be limitation is because, students are mostly prone to enjoyment and playing games, this might be a big change in the research perception. If in future researcher want to differently, researcher may expand the sample size to more than 500 samples and researcher would increase the class size from students to many other classes. This study can be helpful for all phones industry and it’s easier to get a large picture of users’ needs in smartphones and sustainability of smartphone industry. 5. – Summary These chapters have included Conclusion, Recommendation and Reflection. 54 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS APPENDIX A: GANTT CHART OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2012 Activities /Month Research details Coordination with Relevant agencies and Parties Literature Review Questionnaire Design Pilot Testing Revision of questionnaires Selection of respondents Administration of Survey Data Analysis Report Writing Dissemination of draft for discussion Dissemination Report of final Topic/relevant April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 55 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTSAPPENDIX B: QUESTIONNAIRES Hi, my name is Emmanuel A/L Panpalan (SCM-013826), currently studying Bachelor of Accounting and Finance of Te esside University in SEGi University, Kota Damansara. I am conducting a research project to fulfill requirements for my Final year Thesis. The research is STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS. Your individual response will be kept private and confidential. My report will reveal group findings for academic presentations and publications only. Your participation in this study will contribute further to the field of communication in Malaysia. Thank you for participating in this research project.Background Instruction: Answer all questions Section 1 1. Gender: Male / Female 2. Age ______ 3. What is the highest education level you have completed? (Tick one only) o SPM o STPM o A-Level o Diploma 56 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS o Degree o Post-graduate 4. What is your major field of study? o Business o Non Business 5. What brand of smart phone do you use (Tick one only) o iPhone o Blackberry o HTC o Samsung o N okia o LG o Sony Ericsson 57 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS Answer all questions Section 2 Factor Analysis Circle the number in the box provided for most appropriate response.Only ONE number needs to be circled for each question. Please answer ALL the questions in SECTION 2 according to the scale as below: Strongly Disagree†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 Disagree†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 Neutral†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 3 Agree†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2 Strongly Agree†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1 1. USEFULLNESS Find the Smartphone application useful 5 in my daily life Using the Smartphone application helps 5 me accomplish things more quickly Using the my Smartphone chances of application 5 achieving 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 improves things I find important I think App store provide the useful 5 4 3 2 1 58 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS Smartphone applications 2.UNDERSTABILITY App store clearly provides the classified 5 smart phone application menu App store provides detailed information 5 about the smart phone application App store provides detailed manual 5 about the smart phone application App store provides detailed information 5 about the smart phone application 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 function 3. ENJOYMENT I think it is fun to use Smartphone 5 application 4 3 2 1 I think the process of using Smartphone 5 application would be pleasant I think using Smartphone application 5 would bring me pleasure I enjoy using Smartphone application 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 59 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTS 4.EASE OF USE My interaction with the Smartphone 5 application is clear and understandable Interaction with the Smartphone 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 application does not require a lot of my mental effort I find it easy to get the Smart phone 5 application to do what I want it to do I find the Smartphone application to be 5 easy to use 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 5. SATISFACTION My overall experience of Smartphone 5 application use was very satisfied. 4 3 2 1 ###END### Thank you very much for your participation If you have any additional thoughts, suggestions, questions, or comments, feel free to contact me via email at [email  protected] com 60 A STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF SATISFACTION ON SMARTPHONES AMONG STUDENTSREFERENCES 1) Hun Choi, Yoo-Jung Choi and Ki-Mun Kim 2012 The Understanding of Building Trust Model on Smartphone Application: Focusing on Users’ Motivation, Viewed 3 October 2012 2) Mark Brownlow, (2012) Smartphone statistics and market share, http://www. email-marketing-reports. com/wireless-mobile/smartphone-statistics. htm Viewed 3 October 2012 3) Anusha Sethuraman, (2011) US Smart phones statistics, http://www. smartonline. com/mobile-2/us-smartphone-statistics-q1-2011-overview/ Viewed on 4 October 2 012 4) Gordon Adams, (2004) Smart phones evaluation, http://inews. berkeley. edu/bcc/Fall2004/smartphones. html, Viewed on October 4, 2012 5) Report withiPhone,http://www. dailytech. om/Apple+Tops+JD+Power+Customer+Satisfactio n+Report+with+iPhone/article22684. htm, Viewed October 1, 2012 5:23 6) Ding Hooi Ting, Suet Fong Lim, Tanusina Siuly Patanmacia, Ca Gie Low, Gay Tiffany Kaiser, (2011) Apple Tops J. 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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Eternal Light Essay

Another â€Å"wayfarer† is Victor Frankenstein, who is striving for â€Å"eternal light,† but in another aspect. He is the â€Å"Modern Prometheus,† longing to â€Å"pour a torrent of light into our dark world,† while creating a human being – a deed, which is intrinsic to God (26). His creation is the third participant in the â€Å"journey† to â€Å"eternal light. † He is unnamed, or more often called the creature, the monster, the wretch, or the one with â€Å"unearthly ugliness† (55). Victor’s creation also dreams for â€Å"eternal light† in the meaning of pure love or happiness, but he is compelled to follow the contrary direction – to â€Å"darkness and distance† (134). The three meet each other at the â€Å"land of mist and snow,† where their â€Å"journey† ends, where the border between possible and common lies, between dream and reality, between genius and mankind, between God and mankind, between â€Å"a country of eternal light† and â€Å"darkness and distance. † The character, accountable for the novel’s drama, is Victor Frankenstein, a student in humanities. â€Å"A possible interpretation of the name Victor derives from the poem Paradise Lost by John Milton, a great influence on Shelley (a quotation from Paradise Lost is on the opening page of Frankenstein and Shelley even allows the monster himself to read it). Milton frequently refers to God as ‘the Victor’ in Paradise Lost, and Shelley sees Victor as playing God by creating life† (Wikipedia). As a god Victor is determined to endow mankind: â€Å"Yet my heart overflowed with kindness, and the love of virtue. I had begun life with benevolent intentions, and thirsted for the moment when I should put them in practice, and make myself useful to my fellow-beings† (50). Moreover, as Prometheus, he gives the world â€Å"a spark of being† (28). Furnishing the world with such extreme power Frankenstein should take the responsibility of creator and help his gift be useful not destructive. However he mishandles it. When he is fifteen, he witnesses â€Å"a most violent and terrible thunderstorm,† which â€Å"utterly destroys† an â€Å"old and beautiful oak† (18). This event could be interpreted as an allusion to how pestilential this â€Å"spark of being† could be. As Miglena Nikolchina contends, the â€Å"serious ailment† is â€Å"in the man alone, undertaking the ‘godlike’ function to be a creator, but in many respects immature for it† (57). The concrete reason for the creature being â€Å"spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on† is his physical ugliness (133). Why Frankenstein’s creation is ugly? According to Cvetan Stoyanov, â€Å"Ugliness is in fact alienation, drifting away from the vital principle – organic could not be ugly, transgressing and killing it is ugly† (206). Something, often cited in connection to Shelley’s work is a sentence in which the perfect artist is described as a morally perfect man, as a â€Å"second creator, faultless Prometheus under the sky of Jupiter† (Shaftsbury 207). In this respect Miglena Nikolchina considers Frankenstein as an untalented artist, because he is not â€Å"morally perfect† and shows this as a reason for the monster’s ugliness. She claims that the Frankenstein’s morality is not one of a creator, but one of an ordinary man. â€Å"Frankenstein has not even fancied that love – namely love and only love his creation wants – is the first characteristic of creator. † â€Å"Ugliness turns out the sign, left behind by the creator who infuses life, but does not manage to come to love it and thus calls forth death, for it is not possible the fated for living to be made without love, and has no vitality what is deprived of the mercy to be loved† (Nikolchina 79-82). Victor’s blindness about the monster’s innocent nature is more harmful than the physical blindness. The blind De Lacey is the only man who perceives the monsters good resolutions. About the structure of the novel Nikolchina offers an interesting definition. It is â€Å"constructed as if of concentric circles of ice. The sailing to the North Pole is the outer circle, which serve as a frame of Frankenstein’s story. The conversation between the monster and Frankenstein among the sea of ice near Chamounix is the frame of the monster’s story, which is the core of the novel† (Nikolchina 86). The central part of his story is when after burning down the cottage of De Lacey he wonders: â€Å"And now, with the world before me, whither should I bend my steps? (80). Hereafter he starts hunting for his creator and begins alienating from his natural innocence. The creature wends his way toward â€Å"darkness and distance. † The changing nature corroborates his moral collapse: â€Å"I travelled only at night, fearful of encountering the visage of a human being. Nature decayed around me, and the sun became heatless; rain and snow poured around me; mighty rivers were frozen; the surface of the earth was hard, and chill, and bare, and I found no shelter† (81). â€Å"Advancing into experience,† Miglena Nikolchina explains, â€Å"is entering into a core of cold as well† (87). She suggests two aspects in analysing the role of ice. First it could be seen as â€Å"a supreme, unapproachable, unsusceptible to changes reality. It elevates Frankenstein ‘from all littleness of feeling,’ it fills him with ‘a sublime ecstasy that gives wings to the soul, and allows it to soar from the obscure world to light and joy’† (Nikolchina 87). Such an eternal and infinite is the picture before Robert Walton too: â€Å"†¦the region of beauty and delight. †¦the sun is for ever visible; its broad disk just skirting the horizon, and diffusing a perpetual splendour. The explorer’s hopes are so great that they turn out fantasies – he imagines an absolutely unreal North Pole: â€Å"†¦there snow and frost are banished; and, sailing over a calm sea, we may be wafted to a land surpassing in wonders and in beauty every region hitherto discovered on the habitable globe† (2). The Modern Prometheus chooses the â€Å"wi ld and mysterious regions† to â€Å"the tamer scenes of nature† (11). He goes beyond the potentialities of ordinary people, however, aiming not at admiring of the Great Nature, but at gaining the divine secrets. While Elizabeth contemplates â€Å"with a serious and satisfied spirit the magnificent appearances of things,† Victor delights â€Å"in investigating their causes. † Elizabeth follows â€Å"the aerial creations of the poets† and â€Å"in the majestic and wondrous scenes† she finds â€Å"ample scope for admiration and delight,† while Victor is â€Å"capable of a more intense application,† and is â€Å"more deeply smitten with the thirst for knowledge† (15). He elevates his intellect, but not his soul. He does not realize that new born (for his creation emerges in a completely unfamiliar world) needs love and attendance. Striving to eternal light,† he encounters â€Å"impenetrable darkness. † Night is closing around,† †dark are the mountains,† â€Å"heavens are clouded† (40-41). The â€Å"spark of being† turns out a hideous abortion. â€Å"Thick mists hide the summits of the mountains† (54). Frankenstein falls into â€Å"deep, dark, deathlike solitude† (50). Suffering â€Å"the eternal twinkling of the stars weighed upon him,† instead of delighting â€Å"eternal light,† he exclaims: â€Å"Oh! stars, and clouds, and winds, ye are all about to mock me: if ye really pity me, crush sensation and memory; let me become as nought; but if not, depart, depart, and leave me in darkness† (87). The magnificent scenes give way to appalling â€Å"dusky plain† (124). The other aspect of the ice, according Nikolchina, is â€Å"something barren and lifeless; like a power, which is hostile to life; like muteness† (88). Longing revenge, Victor departs from land and â€Å"pursues his journey across the sea in a direction that leads to no land,† â€Å"†¦the snows thicken and the cold increases in a degree almost too severe to support†¦ The rivers were covered with ice and no fish could be procured† (123). The nature seems to be inspirited and acts against Frankenstein: â€Å"Immense and rugged mountains of ice often barred up my passage, and I often heard the thunder of the ground sea which threatened my destruction† (124). It seems he has stepped on some unseen border that can not be crossed. â€Å"When he appears almost within grasp of his foe, his hopes are suddenly extinguished, [†¦ ]. The wind arises; the sea roars; and, as with the mighty shock of an earthquake, it splits and cracks with a tremendous and overwhelming sound. The work is soon finished: in a few minutes a tumultuous sea rolls between him and his enemy, and he is left drifting on a scattered piece of ice, that is continually lessening, and thus preparing for him a hideous death† (124). â€Å"Walton is also surrounded by mountains of ice which admit of no escape and threaten every moment to crush his vessel† (127). The situation with the â€Å"unearthly† creature is however different. The stream of his spiritual development is contrary to the ones of Frankenstein and Walton. Through the epithet â€Å"unearthly† Shelley differentiates him from mankind. While Walton and Victor aim â€Å"wild and mysterious regions,† the creature seeks an intimacy with common world. The monster is â€Å"immaculate in a quite literal meaning – he is empty, tabula rasa† (Nikolchina 72). Every scene and every feeling he touches to are admirable for him. Everything is for the first time. He is a child. The monster meets the civilization, for the first, through the agency of fire, which is an allusion to a new Promethean deed. However he encounters some strangers’ fire. The â€Å"new born† learns everything from the outside world, from accidental circumstances. There is no one to guide him, no one to show him what is worth learning. According to A. A. Belskee, Shelley displays â€Å"the destructiveness of individualism, the tragedy of compulsory desolation, the intangibility of happiness without associating with others† (Belskee 303). Every approach to human society brings a lot of suffering to the creature, notwithstanding he sees â€Å"the future gilded by bright rays of hope and anticipations of joy† (65). Despondently speaking to Walton he describes himself as â€Å"the miserable and the abandoned, [†¦] an abortion, to be spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on† (133). The only possible interrelation with the surrounding world is violence. His crimes are a natural reaction, a rebel against the complete solitude. Otherwise the monster â€Å"could not conceive how one man could go forth to murder his fellow, [†¦] when I heard details of vice and bloodshed, my wonder ceased, and I turned away with disgust and loathing† (68). He clearly declares: â€Å"I was the slave, not the master, of an impulse which I detested, yet could not disobey† (132). The wretched interprets his lot as worse than Satan’s from Milton’s Paradise Lost, for â€Å"Satan had his companions, fellow-devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am solitary and abhorred† (74). He is the only one of the tree, the only one in the world, who completely rejects society with its gall, the only one who crosses the â€Å"border,† laid by society, and fades in â€Å"no land. † He fades for there will be no one to see him. The â€Å"eternal frosts† have frozen all the hatred into his â€Å"ice-raft† and he is â€Å"soon borne away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance† (143). The hopes of â€Å"poor† Frankenstein also fade with his death. He remains at the icy border, between â€Å"eternal light† and â€Å"darkness and distance. † The only thing he succeeds in is revealing these two possibilities for the future human nature: â€Å"Seek happiness in tranquillity and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries. Yet why do I say this? I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Speech to the Young, Speech to the Progress-Toward

Bryce Donahue Professor Harsh English 102 16 March 2013 Speech to the Young. Speech to the Progress-Toward The poem â€Å"Speech to the Young, Speech to the Progress- Toward† by Gwendolyn Brooks is about keeping your head up and living each day to the fullest. The poem, given the time period, is most likely aimed towards African American people, but can now be related to anyone who may be having a rough day.Gwendolyn starts off the poem with four specific epithets. Gwendolyn states, â€Å"Say to the down-keepers, the sun-slappers, the self-soilers, the harmony-hushers† (398)†¦ All of these epithets are used to describe negative people or someone who will try and get you down. She is trying to say don’t listen to what people say just go and live your life. Gwendolyn continues with, â€Å"’Even if you are not ready for day it cannot always be night† (398). Related article: Having Children While YoungShe tries to use night as a symbol of unhappiness and says if you are not ready to get over what has happened or whatever is making you feel down, you will have to at some point because the day, or happiness, will have to come at some point. Gwendolyn writes, â€Å"You will be right. For that is the hard home-run† (398). Gwendolyn uses a home-run to describe something that is hard to obtain, meaning that it will not always be easy to be happy, but you have to fight for it.Gwendolyn ends her poem with, â€Å"Live not for battles won. Live not for the-end-of-the-song. Live in the along† (398). In these final three lines Gwendolyn tries to tell people not to be stuck in the past, but do not try to rush through life, instead live in the moment and enjoy life and all the great things life has to offer. Work Cited Pearson. Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Fourth ed. New Jersey: Kennedy Gio ia, 2010. Print.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Internet Impacts the Mental Health of its Users Negatively Essay

Internet Impacts the Mental Health of its Users Negatively - Essay Example Critics admit that the Internet communication has a negative impact on mental health of its users because of impersonal nature of messages and increased time spent by users in front of their PCs (Barnes, 32). Thesis Americans are overly dependent to the Internet because they cannot imagine their life without online communication; without these devices many people become helpless and vulnerable in modern world. The Internet communication has a negative impact on mental health of users because of online phobias experienced by many users. People constantly need to communicate in order to support goal-directed behavior, problem solving, and decision making. Once again, these personal aims and individual needs are reflected in the questions that the Internet users ask as they complete tasks. On the other hand, the goals and communication needs of a person are central to any device that explains question generation. The introduction of computer-based shopping via the Internet provides manufacturers with a cheap and effective way of reaching their customers directly. As the technical problems are overcome, and the issues about the security of transactions and money transfer are resolved, it seems likely that direct selling from the manufacturer will grow exponentially. In spite of great benefits andopporuntities proposed by online communication, it ad... eplace existing channels of communication (such as providing a website that looks) but from exploiting the virtual possibilities that the Internet brings to add value to communication. The Internet connects people from different geographical areas and allows them to communicate faster than any time before. While the population that can be addressed by conventional physical sales and marketing is constrained by geography, that of the Internet is constrained by the number of people who both have access to it and make active use of it (these not necessarily being the same thing). Estimates of the number of people who use the Internet vary widely, although a consensus seems to be emerging that currently tens of millions of people do indeed use the Internet. What there is no disagreement about is the type of people who use the Internet. At the moment (and this will change as the user-base of the Internet expands), they are predominantly young, under the age of about 40, male and relativel y wealthy (Barnes, 65). "Depression was found to be an independent psychiatric symptom factor that influenced Internet addicts compared with intermittent addicts when the demographic and Internet-related factors were adjusted for" (Hall and Parsons 165). Modern society overly depends to the Internet paying more attention to advantages and opportunities of these technologies rather than its harmful and negative impact on their lives. The Internet works with primary causes of change as the basis for creating new tactical options dependable to anticipated environments. The Internet concept withstands new social changes. It provides efficient performance under all likely environments to enable flexible modification to coming changes. Thus, dependency on technology results in powerlessness and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Insurance and EMTALA Act Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Insurance and EMTALA Act - Term Paper Example More importantly, doing so helps the hospital authorities to claim and bill the insurance company on the patient’s behalf. Thus, all services that are rendered to the patient are billed directly to the insurance company. The patient himself may not be well enough to provide the insurance coverage and know his responsibilities later on during his stay, so doing so prior to admission is very fruitful. Many hospitals these days require the patient to provide his financial information or if he is insured, then he is required to complete his insurance notifications prior to admission. There are certain departments in hospitals that tend to verify the patient’s insurance benefits and contact him in case any forms are incomplete. These departments then obtain access to the insurance company in order to let it know that the individual has been admitted to the emergency department. It is also important to follow the insurance company’s notifications and requirements about the managed care. Hence, the purpose of completing notifications of the insurance plan is to provide financial assistance to the patient and also to keep the insurance company informed about his medical condition.

Operatiom management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Operatiom management - Essay Example There is need to analyze the concept of organizational communication by making an assessment on a chosen case. This will include the creation of a case and analyze the case. Once the case has been created and analyzed, the paper will highlight an assessment on the case and its analysis. The following case is based on a personal experience in an organization that was embracing the Maori culture. I worked as a junior employee at Tikanga Maori Consulting, Inc. since its incorporation the company was based on the culture of the Maori community found in New Zealand. The operations of the company were based on values and beliefs of the Maori culture. The founding members of the organization were determined to protect the Maori culture and made every efforts towards making sure that any stakeholders in the company respected the values and customs of the company that were based on the Maori culture. This was evident in the way the company had designed its vision statement. The company‘s vision statement purely focused on Maori norms and values. The company communicated these values in the Maori language in efforts aimed at reinforcing the approach of communicating the organization’s culture to the stakeholders. The company developed over a long period of time and grew into a big organization with approximately over 100 employees. The growth of an organization often represents a difficult situation in terms of managing the number of employees. However, the organization was able to manage its large number of employees because it had also grown to develop its culture. Employees were in unity with the company management because the company had made a point to always communicate to the employees about the different values of the company. The philosophy of the company was based on developing and preserving the Maori culture. The

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The French Wars of Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The French Wars of Religion - Essay Example The popular and learned, denominational reflection on spiritual matters and the declaration by the Catholic church that it held a powerful position regarding spiritual matters plunged France on the road of conflict. Wars of religion began in 1562 and continued up to the time of Edict Nantes in 1598. It was the warfare that dismantled generation, although fought in desultory and inconclusive manner. These wars occurred in France for many years, rather than the hundred years of fighting, they comprised of series of wars rather one disagreement on the confessional dispute. According to Benedict (2004), these wars consisted mainly of civil wars between the Protestants called Huguenots and the Catholics that resulted in so much bloodshed in France. In addition, the French noble class of the house of Bourbons and house of Guise was involved in the deadly war that lasted for 36 years. Historians have attributed this battle as a proxy between a Protestant, Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ki ng Philip II of Spain, all these people are said to have contributed militarily and financially to this war. At the time the war began, the Huguenots were the minority in that they comprised only of 7% of the French population (Berce, 1990). However, by geographical accident, they found themselves in a suitable position to fight when the war began. This war was much of a political conflict as a religious battle. The main conflict was between the king and the royal families who were Catholics and the protest struggle to be able to worship consciously and freely conflicted with this political conflict. In France, the state and religion were bound together by people’s experience and mind. There was no differentiation between the private and public, civic and personal religion.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Building on the Work of Others as an Integral Part of Originality Essay

Building on the Work of Others as an Integral Part of Originality - Essay Example This definition might be better explanatory â€Å"builds off of previous works in the field to make something new in some important way.† By creating a different definition of 'original,' this redefines the idea that is flawed by thinking that using other people’s ideas to be an inspiration as part of creating anything new is not original. Creation would just be a constant process of reinventing the wheel. Creating something new that is not based off of someone else’s ideas takes a lot more time and effort. Imagine what the world would be like if every single person who wanted to use a computer had to invent their own language for programming it, their own operating systems and other computer processes. For progress, creating new things has to incorporate the use of other people’s ideas to save on time and energy, and actually have time to do something new or original with it. Without this efficiency, it would be nearly impossible to actually spend any tim e on true 'original' invention. Not only does creating something from scratch take a great deal more time than using other people’s ideas and building off of them, but it also actually helps promote originality things. If someone was trying to design a car without ever having looked at a car before, they would probably create something that looked a great deal like early automobiles, because those were simple and natural designs. Could that be defined as original because there is still utilization of a previously designed concept?

Monday, September 23, 2019

Project Management has become so Financially Sensitive that all Essay

Project Management has become so Financially Sensitive that all Project Managers should be Qualified Accountants - Essay Example This essay examines the point that "Whether or not a project manager has to be a qualified accountant" A project is a team work and every single individual has to play his own part in it to utmost faith. Finance is very important for the success or failure of a project. In fact finance is the life blood of every project. So it becomes imperative that the project manager must have knowledge of the financial aspects of the project. He will be able to direct in a better way the accountants if the project manager is a qualified accountant. If a project manager has to function effectively then he/she has to understand every aspect of cost and also the timing with regard to recognition of cost. Cost affects both the project and also the financial performance of the corporate. The project manager's duty is to be aware of the various cost perceptions and way in which they have to be reported. This knowledge will help the project manager to control the cost of goods sold which is his/her sole financial responsibility. The project manager can also control the timing of cost so that cash flow and the total cost of the project improves. Apart from this he can also affect revenue expenses and its report in the Profit and Loss statement (Project Management Journal, June 1986, p372). The different organizational goals which require continuous improvement in the quality of services and goods supplied to a customer through close customer relationships has contributed to this changing environment. Project managers should therefore understand and be aware of the various financial aspects of a project (Lundsten, David J 2006). The field of Project Managers is developing rapidly. This field now has its own professional body, the Project Management Institute (PMI), and its own professional certification, Project Management Professional (PMP). A project manager's task is to hand over the project on time and also within the prescribed budget. Most project managers feel they are responsible towards the firm's profitability only to the extent and limitation of controlling the project cost. But this is not so, they are capable of doing even beyond that. As soon as the various costs of a project is recognized the project manager's responsibility and effectiveness is increased. Planning the expenses and the cost of the project and execution of the same by the project manager influences a company's profit. He has to take timely action of the range of cash flow, expenses, and reporting of revenue and expenses. Thus the project manager has to be well versed and have a total knowledge in the cost accounting practices which shape the firm's project cost reporting (Project Management Journal, June 1986, p375). Scrutiny of the distinctive project profit & loss statement (Table 1) depicts how a project when sold for profit is subjugated to costs apart from the projects' cost (cost of 4 goods sold). The project manager

Sunday, September 22, 2019

People of different races, immigrate to a different country Essay Example for Free

People of different races, immigrate to a different country Essay What are the feelings of those exiles? Many people immigrate out of their country of origin to a different country everday. Whilst some may feel excited at the prospect of discovering a new World, others may feel alienated and strange about their new environment. In the poems Search for my Tongue and Island Man, the poets Sujata Bhatt and Grace Nichols talk about their feelings towards immigration and what they felt when they experienced a great change of culture and environment in their lifes. This essay will analyse how both poets make their feelings apparent throughout their poems. The first poem is Grace Nichols Island Man, her use of colours can show what she feels about both the Carribean and London. Nichols uses colour to reflect Island mans feelings in the poem ; she uses the words dull and grey to describe London. But in contrast she calls the Carribean Island Mans small emerald island, to show how precious the island is to Island Man, like an actual emerald diamond. She compares Island Mans life in London with his life in the Carribean. She also makes clear where Island Man would rather be. This is shown through Nicholss choice of words defiantly and heaves. It suggests the difficulty in which Island Man has to drag himself out of Bed after dreaming about his Homeland. How angry he feels when the sun surfaces defiantly to disturb his dreams. Another word that proofs shows how Island Man feels about london is another, its is used in the context that it suggests a never ending chain of days which are routine to Island Man. It aslo suggests a growing sense of boredom Island Man feels with his daily dull and gray surrounds. These colours bring up an image of grey concrete floors, a surge of wheels, a metaphor which refers to the small compact cars of today in the grey metallic soar, another metaphor used to describe Londons futuristicness. Nichols also used repetition on the words come back to add emphasis on how island man always returns to the harsh reality of London. The effect Nichols is trying to create of her imagery of both ther Carribean are so that she can illustrate an image of London and an image of the Carribean, in which the differences are greater than the personalities. The Carribean is described as the ideal place to live, quiet fishermen going out to sea the sounds of wild seabirds and the sound of the gentle breaking and wombing of the sea in his head. Usually, for many people the sounds of steady sea is associated with calmness and serenenity, relaxing and quiet. It is apparent which Island Man would choose. When the image contrasts are that of a dull and depressing London Day surrounded by more dull and grey concrete buildings, and the bright and beautiful Caribbean Island, it is clear that Island Man, and therefore Nichols prefers the Carribean, and feels happier living in the Carribean. Another poem in which the theme of immigration, culture and identity is apparent is the poem written by Sujata Bhatt, Search for my tongue. In this Poem, Bhatt spoke of her struggle to fit in, in her new Home in America. She also speaks of her fear of losing her roots in India. Search for my tongue is a personal and emotional poem about losing ones language and identity. It is about her own experience and her initial grief of having lost a part of herself that was a key of who she saw herself. In the first part of the poem, the writer explores the idea of having two tongues in your mouth. The word tongue can refer to both the body organ which we use for speech, and the language we speak with it. She includes this ambiguous word in her title, suggesting that she lost her ability to talk the language she used before her arrival in the new country. I ask you, what you would do if you had two tongues in your mouth is used to include the reader in her poem, to make the reader feel empathetic of her situation. She talks about how problems arise when speaking her mother tongue in an environment where the foreign tongue is used so frequently that the mother tongue will rot and die in your mouth from no use. The third part of the poem is an extended metaphor, written in Gujurati. This can be to show how hard it is living in a country where you couldnt speak or read the language. She uses the words rot, die and spit frequently, to emphasise how negative Bhatt felt about having lost her tongue. Bhatt uses these strong words to show the strong feelings of loss she felt at that time of identity crisis. She also adds an anglicised transcript to indicate sounds of the gujurati words, to help you read it. It also shows how the two tongues are different. Which adds more emphasis on how Bhatt felt because it shows the great difference between the languages. This explains what she ment when she had said you could not use both of them together even if you thought that way., because their difference would make it hard for people to speak both languages together. The last part of the poem is by far the most interesting part, it is the part where Bhatt describes her dream in which her mother tongue buds out of her mouth and pushes the other tongue aside. This fact is also supported as the Gujurati is positioned at the core with English either side of it. This demonstrates that the English and Gujurati language are able to function together in the poem, and therefore are able to function together in her life. She put the Gujurati language in the core of the Poem to show that it is the center of her culture, and as if the gujurati really did push the english language aside. She did this show that both tongues can work together, contradicting her earlier statement about how they couldnt work together even if you thought that way. As Bhatt describes rediscovering her lost tongue, feelings of Joy are very apparent. She describes her tongue to bud out of her mouth, like a Flower, she talks about how it grows strong veins that will help it implant itself in her mouth. Her mother tongue blossoms out of her mouth, after re-growing from a stump. Her ending, Everytime I think Ive forgotten, I think Ive lost the mother tongue, it blossoms out of my mouth, leaves a positive imprint on the readers minds, because at the end, she did find that even when she felt she was losing herself, she knew she can never really forget her culture. As comparison to both, in each poem, alienation and cultural identity is the main theme. Both poets use startling imagery to illustrate their point and get their feelings across. In Island Man Nichols talks about how he seems to dream of his small emerald island, and in Search for my Tongue, Bhatt discovers her true culture is brought alive in her dreams. This suggests that even though both writers felt that they have lost their culture completley, in their subconscious dreams it always returns. The similarities occur in both poems. To conclude, both Bhatt and Nichols have clearly shown their feelings about immigration and about their new and strange surroundings they have to live in, and how they have to change to adapt to them. This change ment to Bhatt that her mother tongue slowly dwindles until she feels she cant speak it anymore. Nichols Island Man being forced to spent his live in a country he doesnt like, after dreaming of his homeland the Carribean. In my opinion, both poets semi-autobiographies tell alot about all the negative feelings people may harbour towards immigration. Since such a big part of this Country has at some point of their or their Parents live have lived in a whole different country. It shows the people who have lived here all their life how it felt to lose something so precious, it is described a tongue in Bhatts poem and an emerald in Nicholss. The themes of cultural and personal identity were apparent throughout both poems and both poets had put their feelings across for the reader to understand. The idea of identity crisis is also beautifully potrayed by both writers, and in the end the motive of the poems was put across to show the reader how it really feels to lose something that identifies you with yourself.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effect of somatic marker hypothesis on making decisions

Effect of somatic marker hypothesis on making decisions The Somatic-marker hypothesis (SMH) was first proposed by Demasio (1996), to explain the process of decision-making, while incorporating the role of emotion. This hypothesis developed after working with neurological patients who had damage to the prefrontal region, specifically in the ventral and medial regions, and presented severe impairments in decision making abilities (Damasio, 1979, 1994). As patients did not show any other impairment to their mental abilities, other than a compromised ability to express emotion, Damasio was able to investigate a link between emotion and decision-making ability. However, this link has been opposed by the Expected Utility Theory, which considers a rational approach to decision-making, in which emotion does not play a role (Friedman Savage, 1948). Demasio states within the SMH that people are able to make decisions through interaction between emotion and rationality, to produce the most appropriate outcome. These interactions are made by the emotional response and information from environmental input being presented in the form of physiological arousal, allowing an individual to assess their emotional response to a situation (Gazzaniga, Ivry Mangun, 2009). He argued that emotion is most commonly presented through alterations in an individuals physiological state, as these emotions are represented within the brain as temporary changes in the activity pattern of somato-sensory structures. Although human emotion has been primarily linked to the functions of the limbic system, the SMH proposed that despite the involvement of emotion, the neuronal circuit involved in decision making incorporates a variety of brain regions outside of these classic limbic system structures (MacLean, 1949). Damasio argues that in this process the emo tional responses require multiple sources of feedback from the periphery brain in order to assist decision making (Damasio, 2004). There have been found to be two different forms of stimuli which cause an alteration in physiological states of humans allowing decision-making to later occur; primary inducers are innate or learned stimuli which rely on the amygdala to produce a physiological change; secondary inducers are entities which are produced through the recall of a personal experience of a primary inducer and rely on the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) to activate somatic states; these are most common in the face of uncertain outcomes, as they rely on information provided by similar past experiences. These somatic states, which are experienced when a stimuli is presented, are the result of responses aimed at the brain which lead to; the central nervous system (CNS) releasing neurotransmitters, a modification of the state of somatosensory maps, and an alteration in the transmission of signals from the body to somatosensory regions. The body receives information from these changes, and combines them to be interpreted as an emotion (Bechara, 2004). After a somatic state has been produced by a primary inducer, signals are then received by the brain to produce somatic state patterns in the brainstem nuclei and in the somato-sensing cortices. Once this somatic state alteration has occurred due to the initial presentation of a primary inducer, the pattern is stored for later recall. Later presentation of this primary inducer or a related secondary inducer can cause the somatic state pattern to be recalled and produce a similar emotional response. As a result, the brain is able to produce a prediction model of alterations expected to occur in the body, allowing the individual to respond more effectively and rapidly to the stimuli, without having to wait for the changes in physiology to be produced by the periphery (Dunn, Dalgleish, Lawrence, 2006). This reaction is summarised by the SMH, as the process allows an individual to be influenced in decision-making by the basic biasing signals which are produced as a result of the neurotr ansmitters being released in the cerebral cortex and the diencephalon. For every response to a situation that an individual contemplates, a somatic state is created, which serve as an indicator of the expected outcome (Damasio, Tranel Damasio, 1991; Damasio, 1996). This causes the somatic state to apply a biasing effect of an individuals behaviours, feelings, and cognitive patterns in response to a situation. Evidence of the link between emotion and decision-making was provided by Domasio, when he observed a patient who had damage to the orbitofrontal cortex. He found that the patient E.V.R was able to generate reasonable solutions when presented with a social reasoning task, however, was unable to prioritize these solutions, identifying the most effective (Saver Damasio, 1991). Prior to this, the orbitofrontal cortex had primarily been associated with the control of emotion. This suggests that the decision-making process relies on information provided by the emotion region of the brain, in order to provide a reasonable response. Alternatively, some psychologists argue that the orbitofrontal cortex plays a leading role in applying social knowledge to the decision-making process rather than considering an individuals emotional response, due to the recognition of which rules can be applied to a particular social situation, rather than assessing somatic markers (Gazziniga et al., 2009). More evidence was provided by the neuropsychologist Le Doux (1996) who found that humans and animals responded to stimuli which could potentially harm them so quickly it was unlikely they could have considered the risks posed to them being in that situation. He argued that this quick emotional evaluation of stimuli is an innate response which has developed with evolution to preserve our species in the face of danger, rather than cognitively processing the unfolding events. Considering his evidence, LaDoux explains that our emotional circuitry is designed to have a greater influence on our rational approaches to decisions, rather than our rational thoughts over-riding our emotions. Despite the SMH satisfactorily explaining how our emotions have an unconscious effect on our decision making process, we must also consider the fact that emotions are also known to act consciously on our rational judgement. Some psychologists have suggested that this allows us to employ our emotions as another form of information which we integrate into our logical decision-making process (Schwarz, 2000). When presented with a range of alternatives, it is suggested that we consider the emotions relating to the options before us, which we are often very aware of. Strong empirical evidence has been provided from data on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), a decision-making task which is believed to rely on emotional-related feedback from the body to enable an appropriate response (Bechara, Tranel, Damasio Damasio, 1996). The data indicated the lesions in the VMPFC cause impairments in decision-making, particularly the ability to select the most appropriate and advantageous option. This behavioural impairment has therefore been associated with the absence of predictor signals which allow an individual to differentiate between good and bad decisions. IGT has been praised as a sensitive, ecological measure of decision-making impairment, however, assumptions required for it to support the SMH have been criticised as unsound. The first assumption was that this learning is possible due to predictor marker signals produced by the body. Evidence from psychophysiological profiles compiled during the IGT did not support this suggestion (Tomb, Hauser, Deldin Caramazza, 2002), resulting in the lack of a causal relationship being established between disrupted feedback from the periphery and impaired decision-making. This suggests that the predictor changes may actually represent the expectancy anticipation towards the outcome, once the decision has already been made (Amiez, Procyk, Honore, Sequeira Joseph, 2003). It is also suggested that the tasks which aimed to measure implicit learning as the reward/punishment schedule as being cognitively inexplicable, in fact demonstrated accurate knowledge of the tasks possible outcomes (Maia McClelland, 2004). It was found that cognitive mechanisms, including working-memory exert a strong influence on task performance. Further support was given for the SMH in the business environment, as it is able to explain why we often rely on gut feelings when making a decision, and find them to be better predictors for a decision outcome than market data and past research. Physiological evidence from these studies identifies the involvement of the striatum and anterior cingulated in recognizing patterns and calculating the probabilities of outcomes. It was found that these areas respond immediately when presented with repeated or alternative somatic state patterns (Huettel et al. 2002). Alternatively, Rolls (1999) provides criticism, as he argues that the SMH proposes a very inefficient view that peripheral responses are located in the execution route, and for interpretation and measurement of this peripheral response to occur simultaneously. Rather, he suggests that reinforcement association, located in the orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala, is more than efficient enough to allow emotion-based learning to occ ur. This learning would consequently alter behaviours via the orbitofrontal-striatal pathways, through implicit or explicit processes. An alternative theory to decision-making is the Expected Utility Theory (EUT) (Bernoulli, 1738 cited 1997) which states that an individual is able to select an appropriate resolution in risky circumstances by comparing their expected utility values. These are calculated by adding the utility value of the outcomes multiplied by their respective probabilities, for each option available (Mongin, 1997). The expected utilities are determined by considering the probability of each possible outcome (gain or loss) for a particular option (Hoogendoorn, Merk Treur, 2006). This theory of decision-making considers a rational approach, in which emotion does not cause a bias towards the decisions made. However, much criticism has been provided by Kahneman and Tversky (1974, 1979) when considering this theory as a practical model for human decision-making. They found in numerous studies that humans are particularly bad at estimating probabilities objectively, and so their emotions may cause a bias in the final decision-making process. This has been reinforced by many others (Ellsberg, 1961; Fellner, 1961) who highlight the difficulty in determining the level of uncertainty in a given situation. They also suggest that people are not often aware of the exact probabilities associated with the possible outcomes, and so this problem, combined with the issue of ambiguity has been the focus for much further research Kahnenman Tversky, 2000). To conclude, the Somatic Marker Hypothesis proposed by Damasio (1994) suggests that when an individual experiences a situation, alterations in their physiological state are represented within their body as changes in their somato-sensory state. These changes are represented as an emotion towards that particular situation and act as an indicator of the expected outcome. When faced with a similar situation in the future, which requires a decision, Damasio suggested that an individual extracts emotional information supplied by somatic marker to facilitate them in the decision-making process. Evidence for this theory has been provided by numerous studies of neurological patients who had damage to the prefrontal region, and presented severe impairments in decision making abilities (Damasio, 1979, 1994). However, psychologists Gazziniga et, al. (2009) suggest that although emotion does play a role in decision-making, it is involved in the recognition of socially acceptable activities, rath er than assessing somatic markers. In contrast, the Expected Utility Theory approaches decision-making in a much more rational way. It states that an individual assesses the probability of loss or gain for each available outcome in order to select the most advantageous choice of action. Bachara Demasio (2005) has since suggested further research to fully explore some unanswered questions posed by the SMH. Little research has previously been conducted into the different kinds of decision-making and the relationship it may have with recruiting different neural networks for different tasks. Secondly, he proposed investigating if we are able to successfully identify when emotions are helpful or a hindrance in decision-making and if there are any individual differences.